Learning from Experience

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Jesus was a master teacher who loved to teach. He also was fully aware of the importance of firsthand experience—not just hearing, but actually doing.

We see this principle in action when the multitudes followed Jesus and His disciples to a desolate place. Jesus knew that the people were hungry, and it would have been easy for Him to feed them. But He wanted to teach a valuable lesson to His disciples.

Faced with the hungry multitude, His disciples wanted to send the people away. But, wanting them to think differently, Jesus told them to give the people “something to eat!” Yet they continued to think from a human perspective, asking, “Shall we go and spend two hundred denarii on bread and give them something to eat?” (v. 37)

The disciples still did not see any realistic solution. But Jesus forced them to dig deeper, asking, “How many loaves do you have? Go look!” They obeyed, and found five loaves and two fish (v. 38). Jesus continued to force them to stay involved, telling them to organize the people into groups.

Then Jesus did the only thing without their involvement: He prayed. Afterward, as the disciples shared the food they had gathered, the miracle took place. When everyone was satisfied, the disciples completed the process, picking up 12 full baskets of what was left over.

Jesus had performed the miracle, but His disciples were involved in every step. They could look back and remember exactly what had taken place.

Jesus often works the same way in our lives. Just as He did with the disciples, He desires for us to learn, gain experience, and develop in our faith.

Today, learn to cooperate with Jesus. Let Him teach you along the way.