January 23, 2025

Leaders Who Lie

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

What happens when we have leaders who lie to us?

“Your prophets have seen for you worthless and deceptive visions; and they have not exposed your wrongdoing so as to restore you from captivity, but they have seen for you worthless and misleading pronouncements.”—Lamentations 2:14 NASB

Why were God’s people experiencing judgment? Why had He removed His blessing? Why were they running into so many problems? One reason was poor leadership.

Their leaders had deceived the people with false promises and pursued foolish goals. As a result, His people had been deceived. They failed to set a godly standard or live according to God’s Word. Instead of accurately teaching and correcting His people, they allowed corruption to spread and failed to keep His ways. They saw deceptive visions, read the wrong things, listened to the wrong people, and believed the wrong ideas.

Today, our world is filled with leaders who lie to control us. They may gain power, but they aren’t pleasing to God. They may be popular, but they aren’t concerned with eternal truths. They’re skilled at manipulation and entice people to pursue the wrong paths. They ignore God’s standards and the teachings of His Word.

Some of these leaders may have good intentions, even intelligence. But that is not enough. More than ever, we need leaders who seek God, base their lives on His Word, and value His blessing.

Today, be alert to deception, and don’t be led astray by misleading leaders. Pray for the leaders of your country, your city, your church, and your business. Pray that they would submit their lives to God and seek His wisdom. And as God gives you the opportunity, be a godly leader yourself.

Reflection Question: How can you combat society’s lies with God’s truth?

Father, I pray for my nation. Give us godly leaders. May they submit their lives to You. Use me to impact others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Lamentations 2

Father, I pray for my nation. Give us godly leaders. May they submit their lives to You. Use me to impact others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Lamentations 2