Just as You Are

Just as You Are

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Looking ahead, we know that Levi (also known as Matthew) would become one of Jesus’ 12 apostles and write one of the four Gospels. But these developments were not clear when Jesus passed by him, “sitting in the tax booth.”

When Jesus called, there is no clear indication of Levi’s heart. We don’t know if, like other tax collectors, he had been guilty of corruption, cheating and taking advantage of his position for personal gain.

We know that Levi later held a “big reception” for Jesus in his home, attended by “a great crowd of tax collectors.” Clearly, Levi maintained good relationships with many of these people, relationships that were unsettling for religious leaders (Luke 5:29-32). But Jesus was willing to accept them, as He demonstrated when He called Zacchaeus (a chief tax collector) to stay at his house (Luke 19:2).

It seems clear that Levi had an interest in Jesus’ ministry and was ready to leave all to follow Him. But the fact that he continued to be a friend to many tax collectors demonstrates that he did not totally abandon his former way of life.

Jesus called Levi just as he was – imperfect, a man with uncertain connections, an uncertain past, and an uncertain lifestyle. But a man who would follow, change, and become a powerful witness.

Today, Jesus still calls people just as they are. Even tax collectors like Levi. Even me. Even you.