
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries3 Minutes

“He was hired that I should be made afraid and do as he said, and sin, that they might have matter for an evil report with which to taunt and reproach me.”- Nehemiah 6:13 Amplified Bible

To “intimidate.” According to a dictionary, this means “to make timid; fill with fear. To coerce or deter, as with threats.” Through intimidation, people try to influence how others act and think. Where necessary, to foster doubt, discouragement, and disbelief.

As the Jews worked to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, their leader, Nehemiah, experienced potentially devastating intimidation. He was threatened with physical violence. His motives and character were questioned. He was ridiculed, and accused of rebellion and deceit. When he refused to negotiate, his adversaries tried to make him feel guilty and undermine his authority.

Yet Nehemiah remained faithful, continually bringing “his needs and problems before God,” focusing on his God-given mission.

If we face intimidation, we can learn from Nehemiah’s example. These are times to renew our faith in God. To seek Him in a fresh way. To be sure we are being led by His Spirit. That we are seeking first His Kingdom, and surrendered to His will. To make sure we aren’t serving our own subjective interests but genuinely seeking to please Him.

When faced with intimidation, we can ask ourselves whether or not we are living in the Spirit. Do we trust Him? Are we really confident that He will take care of us? Have we faithfully committed our needs to Him?

In your life, don’t be surprised if you face opposition. Many in the world resist the work of the Gospel. And remember that Satan delights in spreading discouragement and confusion. He tries to keep us from accomplishing God’s purpose.

Make sure that you exercise the dominion God has given you. Resist intimidation, and focus on completing the work for which you are called. Trust in Him. Persevere in the mission you have been given. Move forward by faith


Prayer: Father, I submit my life to You. Give me clarity about Your goals for my life. Give me the boldness to serve You and resist intimidation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.