December 16, 2023

Glory in the Highest

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”—Luke 2:14

Applying his training in ancient languages, John Brownlie developed a passion for translating ancient Greek and Latin hymns into English. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he pastored churches in his native country but was best known for composing and translating hymns. He received an honorary doctorate from Glasgow University for his work in hymnology.

In 1913 he translated what can be considered his most often-sung Christmas hymn, “Glory in the Highest.” This hymn was inspired by studying the message sung by the angels on the hills outside Bethlehem. He found the spirit and tone they displayed to be otherworldly—such amazing music with a message and sound that opened a window into Heaven itself.

Thinking about the role played by the shepherds, the lyrics proclaim, “Glory in the highest!” His overwhelming realization was that Jesus was born and that His advent was a long-awaited event. Overwhelmed, these herdsmen watched the scene unfold, with “their eyes amazed.”

The author could not forget the role played by the magi who brought treasures “to crown the monarch born at Bethlehem.” How overwhelming to think that these sages brought what was best for an offering. Even though He was a king, they found Him just in a manger.

Today, the message rings true for people of all backgrounds, every nation, and every age. Each of us can proclaim with the shepherds and magi, glory to God!

Reflection Question: What will you do today to bring glory to God?

Father, this Christmas season I pause to give You glory. Thank You for bringing peace and goodwill. May we bring You praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Luke 2

Father, this Christmas season I pause to give You glory. Thank You for bringing peace and goodwill. May we bring You praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Luke 2