Giving to God

Giving to God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

For God’s people, tithing was not an option. It was a command and central to their relationship with Him. The word tithe comes from a Hebrew word meaning a tenth. This tenth represented the portion of their possessions that belonged to God. It applied to their herds and flocks, their grain, resources, and everything else.

As Moses taught, the tithe was the Lord’s. It was a constant reminder that they owed everything to Him. All He required from them was a portion to be given back in recognition of His blessings.

As they prepared to enter the Promised Land, Moses reminded them that tithing wasn’t just an obligation. It was a key to being blessed. In return, God promised to protect and provide for them.

The same principles still apply to us. God promises to provide for us when we seek first His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33). As we give, Jesus promised that abundant blessings will come to us, “pressed down, shaken together, and running over” (Luke 6:38).

People fabricate many excuses for not giving to God – other priorities and personal interests. But we need to remember that nothing is as important as our relationship with Him. We need to give Him priority by making sure He has first place in our hearts.

Demonstrate your commitment to God through your tithes and offerings. Your gifts are a symbol of your relationship with Him. They are proof that you trust Him.