Focus on Jesus

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

A woman was riding on a bus during the Christmas season. As the story was told by C.S. Lewis, the great writer and Christian apologist, the bus passed a church with a manger scene on display. In disgust, the woman loudly commented, “They bring religion into everything. Look—they’re dragging it even into Christmas now!”

Her reaction demonstrates a transition that has taken place. For many people, the Christmas season has nothing to do with Jesus. Instead, this is purely a time of gift-giving and shopping, parties and celebrations, decorations and holidays. Christmas is even a busy time for many Christians, with a heavy schedule of special services. By themselves, these activities may be fine. But sadly, many people simply don’t want to talk about Jesus.

Think about these examples: A major bank announced that it was closing for “bank holidays,” rather than Christmas. A commercial from a large company edited “God” out of the lyrics of a Christmas carol. Many companies refer to “season’s greetings” or “happy holidays” and refuse to talk about Jesus. One well-known television network specializes in Christmas programming but does not allow anyone to refer to Jesus. The focus entirely is on Santa Claus, gifts, and the secular aspects of the season.

When you think about the Christmas season, what thoughts fill your heart and mind? What are your priorities? Are you preoccupied and busy? Are you focused on the superficial things so important to the world? How often have you paused to think about Jesus? To focus on Him and Him alone? To worship Him?