Do Not Envy Sinners

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The pressure is ever with us—the pressure to conform to the world around us, to live by its standards, to crave its passions and seek its goals. We feel this pressure when we listen to conversations, when we watch films and TV programs, when we read messages on the Internet, when we hear the speeches of politicians and the rants of entertainers. How easy it can be to “envy sinners” and desire their lifestyle.

Yet the Bible continually warns us to remember that everything in this world is temporary. So how do we keep from envying sinners?

The Bible urges us, simply, to be zealous for the Lord and devote our energies to seeking His Kingdom. If we’ll have this kind of zeal, our minds and hearts will be filled with God and His Word and so be transformed. We’ll think different thoughts and have different goals. His standards will become our standards. We’ll be motivated by the things He wants us to do and not as captivated by the things of the world.

We’ll have greater discernment and won’t envy sinners.

The Bible reminds us that God knows our hearts and what we go through. If we’re zealous for Him and His Kingdom, we’ll develop an eternal perspective. We’ll realize that this life is short and that there are eternal consequences for our actions. We need to place our hope in God and realize that “your hope will not be cut off.” He will defend us and rescue us.

Today, seek to be zealous for God. Don’t be a lukewarm Believer. Place all your hopes on Him.