Chasing the Wind

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

For Francis Younghusband, the project symbolized his vision for achievement. A hope to inspire others to a life of adventure. This was his quest to lead an expedition to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain the world.

Younghusband (born on this day in 1863) had entered the British army as a young man. After being assigned to India, he became fascinated with mountaineering and exploration. He traveled widely throughout the region, facing many unknowns. After years of risky experiences, he became president of the Royal Geographical Society in London. In this capacity he promoted expeditions to Mt. Everest, which he believed was an important goal for the British people.

Some questioned the logic of this challenge. Younghusband argued that “there is unquestionably good in climbing Mount Everest.” That it would “elevate the human spirit” and help people feel “that we really are getting the upper hand on the Earth.” That it would give the human race “increased pride and confidence.”

Eventually famed climber George Mallory was recruited to join the quest. But he questioned Younghusband’s motive. The challenge was more difficult than he imagined. His comment: “I sometimes think of this expedition as a fraud from beginning to end, invented by the wild enthusiasm of one man.” That man was Francis Younghusband.

The reality was “strangely different from their dream.” Mallory eventually would lose his life attempting to reach the summit.

Many people have spent their resources and energies seeking alluring goals. The quest for fame. Achievement. Treasure. Pride. The Bible warns us to realize how many of the efforts of life can be like chasing the wind. These are reasons why we need to make sure we focus on pleasing God. He alone can give us satisfaction that lasts. And give us true fulfillment and meaning.