Calm in the Face of Adversity

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Briton Rivière had a special insight into animals. Born in London, in 1840, he was the son of a well-known artist, and lived much of his life near the London Zoo. He loved animals of all types, particularly wild animals, and over time, he spent significant time studying their nature. But, more than just study them, he specialized in painting them.

In 1880, Rivière turned his attention to the story of Daniel and his confrontation with the lions. As he thought about this scene, Rivière reflected on his observations of animals. He applied his years of study, and all the insights he could muster, portraying each lion in a careful, distinctive way.

The viewer almost can feel the range of responses. Fierce anger. Uncertainty. Curiosity. Interest. Apprehension. But none of these responses lessened the danger for Daniel. In Rivière’s painting, he stands isolated in this intensely hostile environment, with his hands tied behind his back.

Yet Daniel clearly remains calm. Resolute. Unwavering. As the Bible reminds us, he had such confidence in God that he was prepared to face any opposition. Any problem. Any situation. Any danger.

We may not face a den of lions, but we can be sure to face various forms of difficulty. Even danger. Following the kind of personalization in Rivière’s painting, we may face hostility. We may face ridicule from those puzzled by our beliefs. Some may oppose us with such force that it can seem they want to devour us, and silence our testimony.

In every situation, like Daniel, we need to be prepared. To be so strong in our faith in God that we can stand. Brave. At peace. Confident that God is with us. That we have nothing to fear.