Always Ready

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

There are many kinds of excuses, and many reasons to avoid challenging situations.

But Paul charged his young friend, Timothy, that he was to “be ready in season and out of season.” To realize that there is no “season” for the work of God. Timothy needed to be ready all the time, not just when he felt like it, or when it was convenient, or when he had time in his schedule.

He always was to be ready to “preach the word” or any kind of ministry God might ask of him, whether that was to correct, rebuke, encourage, or teach.

This same principle is true for each of us. We never can know exactly what God might call us to do, or when He will open the door for us to pray with someone, share our testimony, provide encouragement, or help others understand more about their faith.

We need to be ready all the time. This means that, every day, we need to be spiritually prepared. We cannot be ready unless we spend quality time reading the Bible and seeking God in prayer. We also need the right priorities, realizing that our primary responsibility is to serve God. He has the right to interrupt our schedules, even when we might be busy or have other plans.

As you go through this day, let God know that you are available and ready to serve Him. Be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. There are people all around who need encouragement, prayer, direction, comfort, or even salvation. Be ready to minister to them in Jesus’ name, and let God use you.