July 14, 2022

A Trustworthy Servant

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be unable to speak … But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you will say to them, ‘This is what the LORD God says.'” – Ezekiel 3:26-27 NASB

It was a dramatic lesson, one Ezekiel would never forget. God told him to shut himself in his house where he would be bound with ropes, unable to escape. He would not be able to get help, for God would “make [his] tongue stick to the roof of [his] mouth.” No one could hear him.

We can imagine that Ezekiel must have had questions, wondering why God was doing these things. Ezekiel was learning the importance of obedience. He had to be ready to serve God unconditionally, totally surrendered to Him. If he had personal opinions, he had to lay them aside and speak only when God opened his mouth.

God wanted Ezekiel to have this kind of dedication, to be sold out for His kingdom. He did not want Ezekiel to be focused on personal gain or reputation but be willing to lay aside his own interests, always ready to please and obey God, and committed to serving Him.

The person who wants to be God’s servant must learn the lessons He taught Ezekiel: seek first His kingdom and be sensitive to His leading. This level of commitment requires that we be clear about His call on our lives.

Today, make a decisive commitment to serve God. Lay everything else aside before Him. Let Him know that you are committed to Him without reservation. Make this an act of absolute surrender. Be dedicated to being His servant.

Reflection Question: Compose a prayer of dedication to God and His work.

Father, I surrender my life to You. Use me. Guide me. I commit my life to serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 3

Father, I surrender my life to You. Use me. Guide me. I commit my life to serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 3