February 11, 2022

A Cupbearer for Jesus

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“‘Please, LORD, may Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and the prayer of Your servants … please make Your servant successful today and grant him mercy before this man.’ Now I was the cupbearer to the king.”Nehemiah 1:11 NASB

Nehemiah was a cupbearer. This may sound like a menial job, but these men often were given significant authority and responsibility. Perhaps their most sensitive assignment was to taste the foods given to the king to be sure that they were not poisoned.

Nehemiah must have been an outstanding cupbearer. He was respected by King Artaxerxes, who knew he could trust Nehemiah’s word. He had proven himself to be loyal and faithful.

Nehemiah demonstrated biblical principles. In contrast, many people think first about themselves, their careers, and their advancement. They are eager to be the first to get the praise and credit.

Jesus said it doesn’t work that way in God’s kingdom where “the last shall be first, and the first, last” (Matthew 20:16). We become great in His Kingdom by serving others. The greatest is the one who is the best at serving (Luke 22:26). The Bible tells us that God looks for men and women who are like Nehemiah and willing to serve. God wants people who keep their word and can be counted on to complete their assignments.

Ask God to help you clarify the assignments you’ve been given. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing these tasks. Seek to have the attitude of a servant toward God and other people, and to have a good testimony. Dedicate your life and resources to God and His Kingdom. And be faithful in whatever God calls you to do.

Father, thank You for the assignments You have given me. Show me how I can serve You. Use me for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading
Nehemiah 1

Father, thank You for the assignments You have given me. Show me how I can serve You. Use me for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading
Nehemiah 1