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Hope for Layla & Fatima — and Countless Others

God has given us everything we need to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation, but the…

Hope Can Change Your Life!

Acts 3 tells the story of a lame man who used to sit and beg outside the temple gate. He had been…

How Do We Power Up for the Christian Life?

Since the days of Pac-Man, gamers have been on a quest for power. Whether it’s the star man in…

Your New Identity in Christ

The best thing about the past is that it has passed. Everything you’ve done, everything that has…

Simple Keys for Learning to Think Like Jesus Thinks

For many years I went to church faithfully, week after week, but I wasn’t living a victorious…

Fishers of Men or Keepers of the Aquarium
Fishers of Men, or Keepers of the Aquarium

Through every form of technology God has made available, Inspiration Ministries is on the…

Making New Year’s Resolutions Personal

Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, resolving to make this year different.…

Why Don’t People Tithe?

Excerpt taken from The Giving Crisis: Helping Average Givers Become Everyday Philanthropists by…