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Obedience Brings God’s Blessings

Blessed are those who hear God’s word and obey it (Luke 11:28). Because of Susie’s obedience to…

Is There Really a Right and Wrong?

At a young age, most of us are guided by parents, grandparents, teachers, clergy, and others, to…

God Orchestrated a Miracle!

Abandoned by her husband and faced with a huge load of debt, Janet saw God come to her aid when she…

Abraham’s Choice
Abraham’s Choice

Jane’s eyes beamed as she pulled her father by the hand when she saw the pink teddy bear. “Daddy,…

Say Yes to God!

Do you believe that God wants to bless you and help you live life to its fullest? Do you believe He…

Who Is God?

The Prodigals Are Returning Home

“The father said, ‘My son, you are always with me by my side. Everything I have is yours to enjoy.…

Chased by God’s Favor

Have you ever known someone who seems to be constantly hounded by problems? Whenever you run into…

Why Don’t People Tithe?

Excerpt taken from The Giving Crisis: Helping Average Givers Become Everyday Philanthropists by…