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Jonathan McKee: If I Had a Parenting Do-Over (Part 5)

John Farrell: In your book, If I Had a Parenting Do-Over, you talk about tools that will help…

Dave Says: Let Kids Make Mistakes
Dave Says: Let Kids Make Mistakes (and Learn from Them)

Dear Dave, We just started teaching our seven-year-old about money. He’s very eager to learn, and…

How To Help My Teenager
How to Help My Teenager

Teenage years can be a lot for the growing child but also for the parents who are seeking to raise,…

9-11 Impact: One Family’s Call to Serve

Book Excerpt Taken from Always My Hero: The Road to Hope and Healing Following My Brother's Death…

the leader
The Leader

Drawing the line
Drawing the Line

You know what’s really painful? Being completely sure of something, maybe even having a pretty…

Build a Stronger Marriage

All marriages face seasons of distress and frustration — times when, thanks to a variety of…

The Faith of a Son
The Faith of a Son

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs…