You Are Loved by God

Bishop Terrell MurphyBy Bishop Terrell Murphy4 Minutes

It’s so much of a joy to be with you again on Strengthen Your Walk. The Lord wants you to walk in power. The Lord wants you to walk in advantages and benefits that have been laid out in the Kingdom of God. Kingdom living is going to help you in your walk to be able to move beyond things that maybe you haven’t been able to move beyond.

The Lord is a God who wants us to be overcomers; Who wants us to be victorious in every single thing that we do. The Lord has an incredible nature and character about Himself that is centered in one thing and that is love. Everything that the Lord does is in love. Everything that He launches towards our lives is in love. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord because of His love. Often people struggle with being loved and loving. And the greatest model and greatest example of love is God.

I thank God so much that He loves us unconditionally. Whether you’re on a mountain, or whether you’re in a valley, the love of God is there. This love comes from His Kingdom and He wants us to live this type of love not only toward Him, but toward one another. One of the greatest Scriptures in the Bible and one of the most meaningful is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And whosoever believes in Him would not perish, but we’d have everlasting life.”

What a love! What a love! I could say that forever because this love is so deep, and it is so wide. And often we miss the mark in God and we come up short in God, but the thing that we can never do is to believe that we’re not loved. We are loved so incredibly by God. It’s this love that allows us to live in His Kingdom because His Kingdom has forgiveness for us. His Kingdom has unconditional love.

His Kingdom reaches into any measure or any place in life that we may be and brings us into the place of life and life more abundantly. You and I have eternal life in Christ Jesus and eternal life has nothing to do with the quantity of life, it’s all about the quality of life. And this quality of life in His Kingdom is far above anything.

It has been given to us because Jesus laid down His life for us. And not only was He giving us forgiveness… not only was He giving us resurrection power, He was communicating the love that is in the Kingdom of God and this love cannot be stopped. This love cannot be cut off. This is a love that will be with you and I every single day for the rest of our lives. Maybe you haven’t experienced that love but you can experience it through the understanding of the fact that God so loved the world that, in His love and for the advancement of His Kingdom, He sent His only begotten Son. And when you receive Him, the Kingdom of God comes alive in you.

I look forward to talking more about this Kingdom and Kingdom living over the next few times together. It’s gonna be a joy for us to rejoice in Him and the truth of His Word. God bless you.

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