What Would Jesus Do?

Melissa HurayBy Melissa Huray7 Minutes

What Would Jesus Do?

Godliness with contentment is great gain.
1 Timothy 6:6 ESV

My deepest desire is to live a God-honoring life, one that makes Jesus proud. When I sit down to watch a television show or engage in a conversation with a coworker, the first thought that comes to mind is, Would Jesus approve? I imagine him right beside me at all times as I pray for help with weeding out unfruitful pursuits or activities. As we grow in relationship with God, our tastes will change, naturally moving us toward purer pursuits. As we seek his face in all things, the struggle and frustration that comes from pushing our own agendas will begin to fade. Allowing God to take the driver’s seat is liberating. We no longer strive to figure things out or to control outcomes. It is so much easier and more peaceful to seek the way of Jesus.


Today I will ask God to remove anything from my life that does not honor him or wasn’t his idea.

Grasp Goodness

Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.
James 1:14 NLT

The wicked world doesn’t disappear because we become miserable enough to repent of our addictions and come to faith in Jesus. Temptation still awaits around every corner, and the devil steps up his attacks once we are set on fire for God. So many sin opportunities emerge daily—maybe a temptation to gossip, waste time, or overreact. But we always have a choice and the Holy Spirit to guide us in all truth. A safe and temptation-free life isn’t going to happen, but God will faithfully counteract each landmine with a wholesome escape. We alone decide whether to sin, and our disobedience will bring consequences.


Today I pray Jesus will protect me from temptation and from the lies of the devil.

Suffering Is Christlike

Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.
1 Peter 4:1 ESV

Getting high on life can be exhilarating, and many believe their problems are long gone once the drugs disappear from their life. And who doesn’t desire a pain-free existence filled with joy and abundance? At first, I thought sobriety would produce nonstop blessings, but I was in for a rude awakening when I encountered a real trial outside of my addiction. It was then that I discovered that achieving sobriety and radical freedom from addiction did not mean that I would be free from ever suffering on earth again. It’s a scary thing to discover that life will always have its pains, but we don’t need to be afraid. Enduring pain and hardship actually brings us closer to Christ, offering just a tiny taste of his sacrifice on the cross. We bring honor to his name when we faithfully seek him during times of trial.


Today I will remember to seek God even more faithfully when I am experiencing pain or hardship.

Lies Multiply

Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.”
John 8:34 ESV

Telling lies terrified me as a child. But years later, alcohol allowed deception to roll from my mouth like water off a duck’s back. As I fudged the truth, I became more comfortable with my lack of integrity. The discrepancies grew between my true self and the one I’d adopted for the world, and my tolerance for lies and sin increased. Getting away with something can be powerfully reinforcing, furthering the idea that increasing levels of disobedience are no big deal. Every time I drove home drunk without consequence, my willingness to break the law grew stronger. But no wrongdoing is hidden from God. We will be held accountable—either in this life or in the next—for every word we speak and action we take.


Today I will repent of lies, strive to be truthful to myself and others, and honor God with my choices.

The Power of Choice

We are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.
Romans 8:12 ESV

The first time I got drunk, I knew exactly what I was doing. Years of watching my parents and other family members come under the influence of alcohol convinced me I was going to love drinking. The night that alcohol and I met was so powerfully reinforcing that I quickly made the decision to seek intoxication as often as possible. Addicted people usually have many reasons to justify their behavior, and some are legitimate. A dysfunctional home, trauma, or loneliness can make abusing drugs and alcohol or wasting hours at a slot machine seem to be the only solution. But mind-altering substances and behaviors can squelch the Holy Spirit and stifle the voice of God, and he will not compete with an idol for first place in our lives.


Today I will choose to honor Jesus rather than to satisfy my flesh. I will ask him to help me make decisions that glorify him.

Order your copy of Radical Freedom: Breaking the Chains of Addiction for Good by Melissa Huray