What to Do While You Are Waiting: Weariness Warning in the Wait

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill5 Minutes

Hello friends and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. This is Kim Crabill and I’m so delighted to have you joining me today. Let’s continue our discussion on what to do while we wait. Have you ever noticed when people are most likely to abandon a project?

Watch What to Do While You Are Waiting with Kim Crabill

We recently moved and sadly I can’t tell you how many unfinished projects I found: unfinished needlepoint pieces, books not finished, quilting I had started. But as with most things that come up in life, there was a lesson hiding in all those leftover projects. And that takes us to something we can do while in the waiting rooms of life. I discovered that it was about halfway through every project that I faltered. I suppose somehow I either lost focus or I lost heart. Maybe I had simply gotten distracted.

Whatever the case, I had walked away. Friends, while we’re in the season of waiting, we must continuously remind ourselves that waiting time is not wasted time. God is working. We must shake off those negative thoughts and replace them with God’s truth so that we will not give up on God or ourselves.

Initially, as we enter the waiting periods of life, we will probably understand the necessity of the waiting. We expect the waiting. We expect the waiting before the job promotion or wait for the healing or even the answers that we’re looking for. But, because we have no idea of the duration of the wait, after a while we can easily begin to grow weary and walk away.

I remember this vividly with my mother’s cancer diagnosis. God had done an incredible healing and reconciliation between the two of us. I had a feeling deep inside that God was leading me into a ministry. I just knew He was about to heal mother, and then what a message of hope we would have for the world. But my plans began to vanish as the cancer was taking mother’s life. My plan was vanishing, but not God’s plan.

In our waiting, of course mother prayed for healing, but she remained focused more on the One to whom she was praying. She often reminded us of the Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel. You know about them: Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. They were threatened by the fiery furnace because they would not abandon God. Their words and their declaration was one that mother embraced and one that we can profess as we wait. These boys declared, “The God we serve is able to deliver, but even if He doesn’t, we will not serve another God” Daniel 3:17.

What were they saying? We will not give up on God.

I was absolutely correct that a ministry was in my future, but it wasn’t as I thought. And, for whatever God has planned in your heart, He will also remain faithful to the promise that He has put inside you but probably not in the way you expect.

God is so good to us. He loves us so much that He will not push you but rather provide waiting times for us to consider what our personal declarations will be.

Friends, always remember waiting is never ever wasted. Stay in the Word as God continues His work. Let us not grow weary and give up on God, let’s rather give in and reap the benefits of His completed plan in and through us. I do hope today’s lesson on what to do while you wait will strengthen your walk.

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