Walking by Faith, Not Sight

Andrew F. CarterBy Andrew F. Carter3 Minutes

For we live by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7


You’ve probably heard it said that seeing is believing. When it comes to faith, however, that couldn’t be more wrong. We’re called to believe without seeing. We are to trust without knowing or understanding how things will play out and to step out into the unknown without being able to see what’s in front of our noses. It’s hard, and it can be scary!

God knows how challenging this can be, and He is patient with us. He takes our hand and walks with us step by step. He gently leads and nudges us forward. It’s the fact that He is with us that makes it possible to live by faith without knowing what lies ahead.

No matter what happens on earth, our eternity is sealed. Death has been defeated. The enemy has been conquered. Our body may die, but our spirit will live on because of Jesus. With that in mind, we can be encouraged, strengthened, and have all fear disappear. When we are reminded of the bigger picture, that our comfort isn’t the goal and we aren’t the center of everything, we can walk boldly by faith.

When the heaviness of a situation starts to weigh you down or the gravity of a problem begins to suck you in, come back to the truth— our anchor in Christ and the Word. Our firm footing comes from standing on Scripture. It might be dark, and you may not be able to see what lies ahead, but remember you have the SON-light with you. He will guide your steps and illuminate the way you should go. When you hear His voice calling you to jump out into the unknown, remember that He’ll be there to catch you.

Father God, You call us to walk by faith and not by sight. But sometimes my faith fails me. Take me by the hand, Lord, and lead me in Your ways. Teach me to obey, even when I can’t see the road ahead. Help me to trust You in ways that don’t make sense but that honor and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Has God called you to do something in an unfamiliar realm? Are there things you’re hesitating to obey because you can’t see the full picture? Take a minute and visualize God in the darkness with you holding your hand. Step out in faith knowing that He is with you!

Content taken from Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future by Andrew F. Carter ©2024. Used by permission of Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.