Time to Shine with Graciousness

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill4 Minutes

Hello friend and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Kim Crabill and, as always, I’m delighted to have you join me.

Watch Time to Shine with Kim Crabill

As we continue our series on “Time to Shine,” I was wondering what would it take for us to lose our shine? I know in my life there was a period of time that even though as a believer I felt as dark as the darkest place you could find. And if I’m completely honest, I’d say that even though I presented myself as being as happy as one who should live in a palace, on the inside I was lonely and depressed as one lost in the darkness of the deepest pit.

But then I began to think about Job. He was a good man who lived obediently before God. And God loved him. Yet, Job lost everything – his job, his flocks, his family, and even his health – all for no apparent reason. Many would have been screaming from the rooftops and the pits, “Why me, God?”

How easily and understandably Job could’ve declared God’s unfaithfulness. Who would’ve blamed him for being bitter? But rather than choosing bitterness Job chose to get up every morning and do what he knew God would have him to do. His actions and his attitude declared to everyone around him, “No matter my circumstances, I’m going to keep trusting God.”

Studying his life, we see that during the years of trials and troubles Job received a lot of lousy advice. (You can read all about it in the book of the Bible that’s named after him.) Yet, Job stuck with God, expecting God to do something and bring good back into his life. And near the end of Job’s story in Job 42:12, we read that the Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. God restored Job’s fortunes and family many times over.

I’m wondering what seems unfair to you today? What has you on the verge of giving up? Job’s example can encourage you and me to keep trusting, keep doing, and keep expecting God to do good things in our lives.

Someone you encounter today will be like I was for so long. They will feel like they’ve lost themselves and their shine because of their own hurt and pain. And even though they may be all dressed up on the outside, if you could peek within, you’d most likely see them curled up in the fetal position, crying on the inside.

But in their darkness, you have the opportunity to shine like that person sent into my life. Like a Job, one who has known pain but one who refuses to give up on God. You, my friend, can help them shine again. Thank you for joining me today and I hope these words truly strengthen your walk today.

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