The Wealth of God’s Word Today

Dr. Michael StevensBy Dr. Michael Stevens4 Minutes

I’m excited today about the wealth, yes, the wealth of God’s Word. You know in Joshua 1:8 there’s a very familiar Scripture many of you are already familiar with, but I want to read it to you just for your understanding and so you can remember the joy and the wealth of God’s Word.

“The book of the Law that is the Word of God shall not depart out of thy mouth, but you should meditate on it both day and night.” Watch this. “And thou may observe to do according to all that is in the Word, for then…for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and you will have good success.”

You know we’ve talked about the worth of God’s Word; the witness of God’s Word; the ways of God’s Word; but you know, there’s something of wealth when it comes to the Word of God. And when we speak about wealth in the church of course we’re not talking about cars and houses and name-brand clothing and big SUV’s. We are speaking of the wealth of joy; the wealth of peace; the wealth of happiness; the wealth of knowing that God loves you and has an everlasting love for you.

When God speaks to Joshua… remember now Joshua is the new leader. Moses is gone but Joshua’s kind of dealing with some trepidation. He’s dealing with some phobias and some fears. But notice what God says. He says: “Joshua, listen. If you would love the Word, if you would meditate on the Word, you know what, then Joshua you will make yourself prosperous and come into good success.”

Sometimes we’re waiting for God to prosper us. Sometimes we’re waiting for God to bring His prophets to prosper us and God is saying: no, I’m waiting on you to prosper yourself. And you do that by staying in the Word of God. You will make your own way prosperous because number one, you meditate on God’s Word. During the “Authority of the Word” series, it’s so important that we understand the value and the wealth of God’s Word.

So understand this again when you look at Joshua, don’t wait for others to prosper you. Sometimes we’re waiting for the church or leaders to prosper us. God is saying: I’m waiting for you to prosper yourself in the Word of God. Would you find yourself meditating? Would you find yourself reading and understanding the wealth of God’s Word?

You know the Amplified version concludes it best when it says this: “For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.” Friends, I want you to have good success. I think you want yourselves to have good success. You can find it in the wealth of God’s Word. The Word of God can make you extremely wealthy. And again not just houses, land, and material possessions…but wealthy in good works; wealthy in faith; wealthy in peace; wealthy because of God’s Word.

May the Word of God bring good wealth, good success into your lives and may you share it with so many other people.