The Power of a Miracle Hour

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

Achieving his worldly goals nearly destroyed Mark Koch. With dreams of becoming a Hollywood producer, he arrogantly declared, “The only difference between Steven Spielberg and me is a hundred million dollars.” Koch set out to get the millions, and his results were impressive. Koch produced blockbusters like Lost in Space and Black Dog. But there was a cost beyond dollars that he never expected.

Koch’s family paid that cost, and his wife begged God to touch Mark’s heart. His wife knew the Lord wasn’t done with her husband, so one week, she persuaded him to go to church with her. “I felt like the preacher was talking right to me,” Mark said. “God showed me Lost in Space wasn’t just a movie—it was the truth about me. I was lost in an empty life.” Mark ran to the altar and asked God to forgive, cleanse, change, and use him.

Within three months, the trappings of success—the lifestyle of the rich and famous—evaporated. Lawsuits, lost contracts, and closed doors stopped the flow of money. Gone were the massive home and luxury cars. Accustomed to spending $30–40,000 a month, the Kochs found themselves rolling coins to buy food for the family.

“God had to strip me of my pride. He showed me that it was He who had given everything to me…and that without Him, I was nothing. We moved from the big house to an apartment a fraction of the size, but that apartment was more of a home than the house had ever been.”

A men’s event with his church clarified Mark’s vision of true success and birthed a passion for restoring men to the leadership of their homes. He recognized how giving God the first hour of his day had changed his life and his home—and how it could do the same for others.

“I believe if you heal the man, you heal the family—and that will heal our nation. I am more in love with my wife today than when I married her. God has completely restored my marriage. My relationship with my children is great.”

As time passed, friends began to notice the drastic changes in Mark and asked him what he had done to transform his life. He knew the changes were all God’s work but also recognized there were tangible steps he took each day to seek God and strengthen his relationship with Christ. Mark set out to understand how God had worked in his life, so he could help others experience transformation.

As Mark evaluated his life, he saw that three basic commitments had revolutionized his world: giving God the first hour of his day, investing his time in the lives God entrusted to him, and sharing the message of hope with all who would listen. Mark wrote his bestselling book The First Hour for Men to capture these key concepts. In 2016, he expanded it with his book The First Hour for Men: A 30 Day Study Guide and began working with Promise Keepers® to reach men and their families on a national scale.

Today, Mark lives out his faith with the same passion that once drove him to seek fame as a Hollywood producer. Pursuing the desire for fame nearly destroyed Mark Koch and all he loved, but pursuing the desires God placed in his heart has brought hope and life to him and millions of others.