Spiritual Nourishment Equals Spiritual Growth

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Spiritual nourishment occurs by lifting our voices up to God, reading His Word, and should not be limited to a Sunday church service. God wants you to continually spend time in His presence.

When you face what seems like an impossible situation and don’t feel that you stand a chance, start giving the Lord honor and praise, and you’ll be surprised what the Lord will do for you!

We have to only look to God’s Word for evidence of this.

Every Day Dependence

In the wilderness, God miraculously provided manna to the children of Israel for them to eat, but they were only to collect enough food for one day at a time.

What had been collected in the morning became so rotten by the next day that it gave off a stench so bad it made people sick. Only on the sixth day was there manna that lasted two days — because God wanted them to keep the Sabbath holy (Exodus 16:5).

Part of what God was trying to teach His children through the manna experience was to be dependent on Him every day. He also wants us to know that we can’t live today on yesterday’s provision, yesterday’s word, or yesterday’s experience. We need fresh manna every day!

Sadly, many Christians don’t choose to spend time with the Lord daily in His presence, in His Word, in prayer, or in worship.

How can we expect to be fed and nourished by Him if we don’t spend time with Him?

An Easy Answer

The answer points to why you may be starving to death spiritually. Your spiritual life is malnourished and lacking the power you need to live an overcoming life!

Fortunately, this changes when you choose to faithfully spend time with the Lord every day!