
Join Us as We Celebrate Black History Month

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

We are thrilled to highlight the story of Jeanette J. Epps, PhD for Black History month. A powerful example to all of what can be achieved through a life of faith and personal focus, Epps is a NASA astronaut, aquanaut, and aerospace engineer.

She is a twin and the youngest of seven children. When she was nine years old, her older brother looked at the twins’ grades and informed them that they could be aerospace engineers or maybe even astronauts one day. From that point forward, she worked diligently toward this goal.

When asked who encouraged her along the way, Epps spoke of her mother. She shared that her mom always encouraged her children to follow their dreams and urged them to read the Bible for encouragement. Through her Bible study, Epps saw how God moved in Joseph’s life and how He used Esther to save His people.

She never believed that a brown female didn’t belong in the aerospace field because she never heard that. She persevered, knowing she belonged and that God was with her. Epps believes that nothing happens by chance … and in the end, we will clearly see how God brought us through every situation.

Check out her extraordinary interview on our YouTube channel!

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