Jesus Is Knocking at Our Doors

Theresa RoweBy Theresa Rowe9 Minutes

All those I dearly love I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right. Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me (Revelation 3:19-20 TPT).

Invariably, when I was about to take a shower, or zero in on some tedious task, the children would knock on my door with some catastrophe. What happens when you hear someone knocking on your door? Do you run to the bathroom to hide hoping they will go away? Perhaps you peek through the blinds hoping to recognize the car, and in turn, the person. What if it’s a stranger?

Years ago, most front doors had a peep hole. When you heard a knock, you could look through the peep hole and see who was knocking on your door. The peep hole gave you choices, you could open your door to the visitor, or just not be home. As long as the door was closed, the peep hole let you pick and choose your guests.

First impressions are important, and front doors have evolved with time. Instead of the blankness of a solid door, many homeowners choose beautiful decorative glass for their front door which invites plenty of natural light. Some may question, “is the beauty worth the lack of privacy?” There is a sacrifice of security with these new doors, and more than likely, with the knock on the door, you and your visitor will see each other simultaneously. Still, the question remains, “will you choose to open the door?”

A short time ago, a friend and I were working on some Shaped by Faith ministry plans in my office at home. My office sits next to the front door, with a clear view of the driveway, along with a most beautiful view of God’s creation. We had only been home a short while when a loud noise began in the basement. My friend and I looked at each other at the same time, with neither one of us wanting to investigate the noise. My heart was pounding dialing my husband at his work.

I have never been a big fan of investigating strange noises. Like the time on my deck, I turned to check out the hissing sound behind me and discovered multiple snakes wrapped around the railing, lunging at me with their forked tongues. Nearly killed myself getting away from them! No, this was a job for the detective in our family, and he was 3.1 miles from the house.

My husband loves watching mysteries and crime shows where the detective must figure out, “who done it?” I must admit, I have become a fan of the Murdoch Mysteries, and I enjoy watching my husband match wits with the great Murdoch. Certainly is a lot easier solving crime and mysteries from our easy chairs than in the midst of our mini forest. There is always some new problem needing solving. Keep in mind we can look out our window and see deer, wild turkeys, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, donkeys, cattle, snakes, birds, including hawks, and an occasional eagle flying over the farm. And with many animals interacting with people, there can be problems!

My detective was slow to arrive and the noise persisted, sometimes I could even hear it over my pounding heart. We could take it no longer and exited to my friend’s car in the driveway. Finally, in the pouring rain, my knight in the shining red truck arrived. As he pulled alongside, he gave me the “what are you doing” with both hands raised, along with the husband look. I must admit, there had been calls in the past which turned out to be windows popping, or the refrigerator kicking on, nothing too dangerous or threatening.

Quickly exiting the car, I assured him the sound was REAL and continuous. Entering the house, his eyebrows climbed up his forehead as he heard it too. Launching himself into the fray, he headed to the basement for answers. Within seconds he announced, “You are not going to believe this!” Before he could explain, I was skipping steps into the basement.

He began explaining “there was a big turkey in the glass doorway, banging his head on the door, in mortal combat with his reflection.” When my husband came into view, he scared the poo out of the turkey. I almost got sick looking at the mess on the patio. After the shock and surprise wore off, he showed us where the turkey had been pounding with his beak on the door. We all laughed about the turkey knocking on the door!

It is no mystery, we are much like the turkey, our own worst enemy. We allow fear and the comfort of complacency to keep us from the people God knows we can be. In Revelation, chapter three, Jesus is addressing the church at Laodicea. He is saying they are neither hot nor cold. He let them know they better shape up and fly right! God disciplines those he loves. Jesus stands at the door of our heart, knocking, will we open the door? Will we put our faith to the test and trust Him with all things?

Unlike our Father in heaven, nature can be unforgiving, and one mistake by an animal can have the turkey vultures circling. That’s the way the enemy works too. He is circling, waiting for an opportune moment to slither in the door. He may knock, peck, or find the path of least resistance, and in he comes.

Now we wouldn’t knowingly open the door to evil, but sometimes old habits make it hard to live holy lives. Paul addresses this with church members, like you and me, in Ephesians 4. “Since you know about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”

Remember, any old mess you have made can be power washed by the blood of Jesus! Isn’t it time you look in the mirror and see yourself the way God sees you?

Hurry, He stands at the door and knocks!

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