Give Yourself a Push

Give Yourself a Push

Joyce MeyerBy Joyce Meyer5 Minutes

Do you know that you’re stronger than you think? Do you know God has placed a holy determination inside of you … an ability to handle things that come your way and never give up?

We all have dreams, and we all experience times in life when we feel like throwing in the towel. Or we say a quick prayer and hope everything will just magically change. However, just wishing for things or situations in life to get better or to be different does not bring change or results.

What makes a difference is setting aside all distractions, opposition from the enemy, reasons why “it can’t work,” and whatever else holds us back. We also have to decide that when God says something can happen—when He’s given us a dream or vision for our lives—it’s our job to agree with Him and allow Him to empower us to see it happen.

We’ve all been frustrated by outcomes in life. We’ve all been hurt. We’ve all gone through pain, stress, trials, and adversity. We all have had moments when it felt like life was pressing against us. And the truth is—whether things are good in your life right now or they’re difficult—there will be seasons when life seems to be pressing in on you. That’s not going to change.

On this side of heaven, none of us get to choose whether or not we’ll be free from pain. But that doesn’t mean we’re helpless. You don’t have to sit back and let life happen to you.

No, God’s given you something incredibly powerful: He’s given you His strength and power, which can help you overcome and press through any issue in your life!

Wishes don’t have any power to change your life. But God’s power and your determination to stay the course (no matter what) does.

When life has pressed against you, backed you into a corner, stolen your joy, or kept you from God’s best, you have to press back! God is calling you to press against the pressure that’s pressing against you. No one else can press in for you, and there’s no getting to the other side of the storm without making this choice.

So, what’s pressing against you? What’s the source of your greatest stress?

Maybe you need to get out of debt. Maybe there’s a relationship that needs healing. Maybe you need to change your lifestyle habits, exercise more, and take better care of yourself.

You can do it—it’s not impossible. But it’s not going to just happen by itself. You’ve got to decide that you’re more desperate for change, more desperate to have what God says you can have—than your desire to stay comfortable or satisfied with where you are.

The apostle Paul says it this way (and he was in prison because of his faith when he wrote it): “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me” (Philippians 3:12 NKJV).

Paul was determined to press in and press on. He wasn’t going to let anything stop him from laying hold of everything that Jesus had prepared for him.

That’s the exact same attitude I want you to have. I want you to come to the place where you say, “God, I’m tired of being stuck in this same place and feeling defeated. I’m going deeper into Your purposes and plans for my life, and I’m going to press in. I want to have to have everything You have promised me!”

So, whatever obstacles you are facing—whether they are financial, relational, emotional, or anything else—I encourage you to press in and press on toward the dreams God has placed in your heart. Because when you refuse to give up, God will surely reward you.