Confront and Conquer: The Warrior’s Promise

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill8 Minutes

Kim Crabill: Hello everyone and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Kim Crabill.

Watch Confront and Conquer with Kim Crabill

Casey Gomes: And I’m Casey Gomes.

Kim: Thank you for joining us for this new series “Confront and Conquer,” providing biblical principles to reveal, revive, and restore the warrior inside your heart.

Casey: Last time, you were encouraged to open your briefcase. How’d that go? You looked inside. It probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do at first. There are burdens. There are hurts. There are sins in there. I remember the first time I opened my briefcase and looked inside: unfulfilled dreams, anxiety. It was daunting. But I had hope because of a promise and a promise that we talked about.

Kim: Absolutely! And to me it’s the underlying theme. When I began writing this, just as a journey for myself, it was a Scripture that God gave to me. And I think that it is one of the greatest passages in the Bible and maybe even only second to the passage of inviting us into salvation. It is the passage of Matthew 11:28. You remember what it is Casey.

Casey: I do. “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

Kim: I love that. You know when we first see this, we must remember it’s Jesus speaking so it’s Jesus extending this invitation. When we first look at this, we just think oh rest. That sounds good. We all need to rest. We’re in such a crazy, busy world. But when you really look into it and when you really dive into it, you find the secret as to why it’s so important to really confront and conquer the issues that are in your heart. It helps you to understand why it’s so important to really open up that briefcase because when you look at the Scripture, it says, “Come to me.” And there is an open invitation to all, right Casey? All of us.

Casey: Everyone.

Kim: Man, woman, it doesn’t matter. “Come to me all you who are weary.” When I say “weary,” what do you think about weary?

Casey: Well, I think the first thing that comes to mind is just we’re tired and really it’s meant to be more than that; that carrying our deepest burdens and hurts makes us not just weary but it weighs us down. And so, this rest is what happens when we lift those imperfections and those sins and those burdens up to God and give them to Him and ask Him to bless us just like He always has in spite of those.

Kim: That’s exactly right because He knows they’re there. So He says, “Come to me, ye who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

If you go into the Greek there friends, which is so important, and keep what is in your briefcase in your mind, He’s saying, “Bring that burden. Bring what was in that briefcase to me.” And He says, “I will give you rest.” Rest there in the Greek means reversal. And what is it that He wants to reverse? The burden.

What is it that was in that burden. The burden there in the Greek actually means a task in waiting. So, if you think about that Casey, this is the hope. This is what gives you the inspiration to dive into the briefcase or the brown paper bag or your heart and your hurts. It’s because God has promised not only to conquer it but that you’ll be greater than a conqueror.

He says, “I want to do something with that. I don’t want to negate your past. I don’t want to just snap My fingers and make it all gone.” He says, “I want to take what you have walked through and I want to turn it into your own personal ministry. I’ve seen this over and over so come to Me, ye who are weary and burdened. Bring Me the burden. Let Me give you rest. Let me reverse that and take what is now burdening you and turn it into a ministry; your own task in waiting.”

Casey, you’ve seen this happen over and over.

Casey: It’s powerful and my second spoiler alert: we’re not perfect. I’m not perfect. None of you watching this are. Our briefcases are filled with imperfections and sin and hurt. It’s part of being human so there is literally no need to keep it hidden anymore because God already knows we have that.

He created us in His image and He also created us as imperfect creatures. So, to Miss Kim’s point, once we’re willing to open that up and to share that burden and to share those burdens — whether it’s a men’s group or spouses or friends, but also offer them up to Him, we can really start to change our lives in positive ways.

Kim: And that is the secret of what God wants to do in our lives. Matthew 11:28 is a warrior’s truth. I’ve experienced it. Casey has experienced it. Gideon experienced it. And now God is inviting you to experience the life-transforming power of His Word.

Your promise today is that you and whatever you choose to go through and whatever you choose to confront, you will conquer through the power of Christ within you because He is with you. And as you conquer those briefcase issues, you will discover a unique calling: your very own personal way to help others bring God’s purpose to their lives; not shame but personal gain.

Last week you were challenged to write about your briefcase burden. This week, look around for someone to whom you can share that with. But get ready because when you step out into courage and share your pain, you’re becoming that warrior who is giving someone else the power to share theirs.

Remember friend, we can’t conquer what we don’t confront. But as we confront, Romans 8:37 assures us that God has already made us more than conquerors through Him. Hold onto that.

Thank you for joining us today. We pray that this “Confront and Conquer” series will strengthen your walk.

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