Confront and Conquer: The Warrior’s Battle

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill9 Minutes

Kim Crabill: Hello everyone and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Kim Crabill.

Watch Confront and Conquer with Kim Crabill

Casey Gomes: And I’m Casey Gomes.

Kim: Thanking you for joining us for the series “Confront and Conquer,” providing biblical principles to reveal, revive, and restore the warrior inside you.

Casey: What if you don’t confront the things that are grieving you? What if you don’t confront the things that are suppressing your dreams and all that you want to be? Does that really matter? Will confronting really work for you? What if you fail? What if you expose your truth and you’re abandoned? You know you’ve thought about this. I have. We all have.

Kim: Yeah, because we have lots of thoughts running through our minds. Listen to this. According to the National Science Foundation, on the average we have about 45,000 thoughts per day. That’s about 1,875 thoughts per minute and about 31 thoughts per second. And 98% of those thoughts are the same.

Listen, 98% of those thoughts are the same as yesterday. Now 45,000 thoughts that are about 98% recurring, 80% of those are negative. That’s a lot of thoughts. Why is this so important? Why do we need to think about what we’re thinking about in this “Confront and Conquer” series, Casey?

Casey: Well to win the battle outwardly, we must win it inwardly first. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” If our battle is to believe God’s Word and live accordingly, then we must learn to know when God is talking to us. And that’s possible because of John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice.”

Kim: Absolutely! I’ve heard so many people say, “Well, when God wrote the Bible, He quit talking.” I don’t think I could live if I didn’t think I could hear God talking to me! And there are ways that we can learn God’s voice.

Casey, what did we talk about in the “Confront and Conquer” series?

Casey: We talked — and this was very personal for me — we talked about developing a relationship with Him in Matthew 4:19. Set aside daily time with Him to commune with Him (James 4:8). Spend time talking to Him in prayer in Jeremiah. All these different verses.

For me, it was this idea of wait a minute, if I’m just quiet and I spend time with Him then I’ll start to hear His voice a little bit more readily.

Kim: Absolutely! And this is so important because you want to know what God has to say to you. In our time with God, we will begin to recognize His voice. And in that, we will find so much hope.

We learned three things that God will never say to us. Right Casey?

Casey: He’ll never condemn, from Romans. From James, He’ll never tempt us. And He’ll never lead us to do anything in opposition to His word from Thessalonians.

Kim: We’re giving you these Scriptures because I want you to be able to go back and learn this and know this and be able to stand on this.

We have so many condemning thoughts in our minds and that’s part of the battle: what it is that we’re taking in. And those recurring negative thoughts. You know God wants us to take captive those thoughts and begin to have a mindset like His mindset. But we have to block out the world. We have to block out our (what I call the inner me and the enemy) to really be able to know what God is saying.

Now, we’ve also learned that it’s not just in the Word that God speaks to us. Henry Blackaby shares other ways that He can speak. So Casey, what about that? What did we talk about?

Casey: Well other than Miss Kim, Henry Blackaby is one of my favorites and he tells us through his writing that God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit in three ways: His word, His people, and through circumstances. And when we quiet our mind, we can start to hear Him, His voice, and see His work a lot easier than when we’re a little bit too busy for it.

Kim: Yeah, absolutely. So friends, when you’re hearing all the negative and when you have those 45,000 thoughts running through your mind, sometimes we just have to stop and say, “Who’s talking to me?”

Wherever you are, God is not condemning you. That is just not God’s voice. He will convict us. He is drawing out our potential. But it’s so important for us to really learn God’s voice. God did not come to conceal but to reveal to you not only who you are but who He is for you. He wants us to reject the trash-talk and all those negative things that are going through our mind. He wants us to reject the trash-talk of the world and lean into the truth of His word.

The battle of the warrior is to believe. And not only to just believe in Jesus — that’s your first step and that’s a big step — but He wants us to get to the point where we just believe Him. Believe Him that all His promises are personal and not just for everyone else around us but for you today personally with that briefcase and with those things that only you know that you are dealing with. And to believe that what He wants to do with that briefcase and those burdens is beyond anything that we could ever imagine.

As a warrior, you have a weapon to help you. It’s called the sword of the Spirit. And in Hebrews 4:12, it reveals that that sword is actually the Word of God. But we have to tune our ear to hear God. That’s what we’re inviting you to do this week, to do what Casey said and just be still. And from those 45,000 thoughts that you’re having about your past, recognize what is not of God. Reject it and then replace it with the truth.

Take up your sword, warrior! God has empowered you to be the warrior and the winner of your mind. And always remember, like I always say, we can’t conquer what we don’t confront. But as we confront, the Scripture promises us, Romans 8:37, it assures you and I that God has already made us more than conquerors through Him.

Thank you for joining us. We pray that this “Confront and Conquer” series will strengthen your walk.

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