
Close the Door

Dr. Jackie GreeneBy Dr. Jackie Greene3 Minutes

Think back to a relationship in which you wanted to spend as much time as you could with that individual. Before you met up with them, you would go through all the steps to ensure you were ready for the encounter. Hair. Nails. Outfit. Even if you weren’t together in person yet, you found yourself preparing just in case you ran into them.

And let’s not even get started on those early phone conversations! If you were like me as a teenager, you’d take the phone into your room, close the door, and settle in for a night of talking about absolutely nothing! Snacks. Music in the background. No interruptions. By the time you’d see them again in person, there was a familiarity resting between you. Knowing glances. Fluttering hearts. Satisfaction that you’re in their physical presence again. It’s almost like a breathtaking reward.

God desires that same type of intimacy with us. He wants us to go into our rooms, close the door, and talk to Him. Even though we can’t see Him, we can hear Him and imagine His face as we pour out our hearts. We can imagine the smile stretching across His face when we share something that is pleasing to Him. And we can also envision the joy that radiates when He rewards us openly for something we discussed privately.

Start building intimacy with the Lord today through blocking off intentional time to communicate.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door
and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your
Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Prayer Prompt
Abba, my desire is to know You intimately. Increase
my desire to spend private time with You. Help
me to close the doors of distraction. . . .

Adapted from Remain in His Love: 90 Devotions to Help You Dig Deep and Draw Closer to God by Dr. Jackie Greene. Copyright © 2024 by Dr. Jackie Greene. Published by Thomas Nelson. Available wherever books are sold.

Order your copy of Remain in His Love: 90 Devotions to Help You Dig Deep and Draw Closer to God by Dr. Jackie Greene