Can Jesus See Your Faith?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

“Jesus saw their faith…” (Mark 2:5).

Many people have a serious misconception about the nature of true faith. They assume it’s just an unseen, mystical force that no one can see or evaluate.

But the Bible says otherwise…

One day a paralyzed man was carried to Jesus by four loyal friends. Not only did these friends carry the man to the house where the Lord was teaching, but they also had to cut a hole in the roof because of the crowd blocking the doorway.

Jesus was clearly impressed by this display of sacrificial love! Mark 2:5 says He “saw their faith.”

In the same way, God sees your faith today. Every prayer … every act of kindness … every sacrificial Seed for Souls — nothing goes unnoticed.

Through your monthly financial seeds into God’s Kingdom, you are bringing lost people to the feet of Jesus!

Monthly Inspiration Partners, recognize the truth of Proverbs 11:30 that “he who wins souls is wise.” You realize that just as a soul is precious to Jesus, it should also be precious to us as His followers. By partnering with Inspiration Ministries on a monthly basis, you and other partners are helping thousands of people every month say YES to their Lord and Savior!

Let Jesus see your faith today! You can automatically be a soul-winner and help to fulfill the Great Commission every month.