A Product of Christ

Dr. Craig von BuseckBy Dr. Craig von Buseck9 Minutes


CVB: What is the message behind A Product of Christ? How did you both decide not only to write it, but to write it together?

Heather: We’ve known each other since we were eight. Our families are very close. We’ve shared Christmas, Thanksgiving, and a lot of stuff together. I’m from a minister’s family and I rebelled when I was 13 or 14, and that went on for about 10 years. When I came back to God I completely sold out to Him. I ran for a long time. I was on drugs. The heroin was really bad and I hurt my family horribly. God is the only reason why I’m here. So I was praying and God put it on my heart to write a book for His people. A lot of people walk in and out of church so casually, and they’re not understanding what Jesus did for them. They don’t get it. They’re not grasping it. It’s not clear.

Anna: We didn’t understand what He did for us, even though we were raised in the church. We never got it until we heard it in our spirit. The Lord showed us that we are a product of Christ. We are continuously becoming a product of Christ – a new creation in Him each and every day. He’s chipping away at our qualities and replacing them with His qualities – with more of Him. We have a heart for God’s people. We want people to have more than superficial Christianity. So this is really just a crash course on Christianity. There’s even some common Christian terms in the back.

There’s a lack of knowledge in the church. I’ve been to Bible studies where people couldn’t give you a legitimate definition of what it means to be born again. They don’t know what sanctification and righteousness mean. That lack of knowledge is hurting us.

Heather: We’re walking out of those church doors unequipped and unchanged. We cannot face what’s going on today without the power of Jesus, without the power of his Holy Spirit, and without knowledge what He did for us on the cross. People don’t know him. They serve a God that they don’t know. We want people to know him. This book is meant to help people get into the Word of God and into a relationship with Jesus. It is written for the spiritually immature believer.

Anna: A lot of people are intimidated by the Bible and we don’t want that. This book will help people to not be intimidated. It’s going to help them have a better understanding.

CVB: How did you come up with the title and what does it mean?

Heather: God gave me the title in a time of prayer. The book is His product. We are all products of Christ. That’s exactly what it means. He made us in His image. He meant for us to serve Him. So people who are not serving Him are trying to fill this void. It’s not fillable without Him.

Anna: The subtitle tells you what this book is about: “Discovering Jesus in His Transforming Power.”

Heather: He made us all unique. Each person has a separate identity. We all are in Him – in Christ – but we are also all unique individuals. We all have different fingerprints. We were designed to fellowship with Him. We were designed for a relationship with Him.

Anna: This isn’t just a walk through Jesus’s life on earth. This book is about discovering Jesus. So we break down having a relationship with Him, surrendering more willing to Him, what He did at the cross, and the benefits of walking in that victory. We discuss the freedom that comes with that. We talk about the fact that our righteousness comes from Him. We want anybody to be able to pick up this book and walk away with a greater understanding. If you’re a drug addict, if you’re a prisoner, if you’re somebody that has it all according to man in earthly things, but something’s still missing, we want you without any Bible knowledge to be able to pick this up and walk away with a greater understanding. We want people to say, “I get it now!”

I was raised in church as well and I just didn’t have that knowledge. I would read the Bible but it just didn’t stick. Until you truly hear it with your spirit and you really receive it, then it all starts to make sense. And then the Bible just comes alive to you. We want to see young and old people in the Word, walking in a greater knowledge of what He did.

CVB: What’s the process that you want them to go through to go from saying, “Yeah, I’ve heard about God,” to actually have a relationship with Him?

Heather: Well we need to get back to the cross. Once we realized what He did at the cross, then we can finally surrender to Him and have a relationship with Him.

Anna: Freedom is going to come from having that relationship with Christ. The closer you get to Him the more He will reveal to you. So it is a step by step process.

Heather: There are seven chapters and we provide a very simple guide. My favorite chapter is on relationship because that’s very important in life. We have relationships in business and in a marriage. In every relationship you have to communicate. It’s the same in our relationship with Jesus. We have to communicate with Him. In order to have relationship with God, we have to talk to Him. And He will talk to us.

Anna: The way that we’re talking with one another, we need to talk with Him. I want people to get back to that. I feel like there are people just playing Christianity. The dictionary defines a Christian as someone who confesses belief, but that’s not the depth of what is needed.

Heather: The Bible says that the demons believe in God and they tremble (James 2:19). In our spirits – beyond our conscious and subconscious – we all long for God. But we have to actually put our faith in Him and what He has done for us. We are trying to help people to get a hold of it.

Anna: Some people try to make it complicated, but it’s very simple. Get back to what Jesus did on the cross. Paul said, “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). We’ve got to get back to the basics. There are a lot of books out there for the spiritually mature, but not many for those recently saved. This is a great book for new believers or even teenagers to say, “Hey, read this. You’ll understand Jesus so much better and what He wants to do in your life.”

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