On the Front Lines – Even in Your Living Room

Inspiration Ministries recently received an encouraging note from Thembi, an Inspiration Partner in the UK. She had just heard the amazing news of the hundreds of thousands who have made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior through our evangelistic outreaches: "Wow! Even when we are in our living room, we are in the front lines of God’s work. I’m so grateful to be part of the team of what God is…

Need a Lift?

God is the Great Liberator, willing and able to set us free from any area of bondage in our life. Throughout the Scriptures, people were delivered from fear, bitterness, imprisonment, sickness, financial lack, and all sorts of other things. One day Jesus was teaching to a packed house in Capernaum. Hearing that He was in town, four men carried their paralyzed friend to the meeting, hoping He…

If God Is a Loving God, Why Is There So Much Pain in This Life?

Years ago, I watched my grandson starve. The terror in that newborn's eyes still haunts me over two decades later. All I could do was watch and pray as his parents paced back and forth in a hospital room. Each one taking turns, trying desperately to comfort him. There was no fixing it. His cries of pain echoed throughout the hall corridors. His panicked gaze locked into his young parent's…

Need a Breakthrough of God’s Favor?

What God did for these faithful Inspiration Partners, He can do for You! Every day, Inspiration Ministries receives testimonies from people who’ve received miracles only God can do! When they sowed a financial seed for souls or contacted our prayer ministers, God’s amazing favor transformed their finances … health … children … marriage … or emotions. Restored Health, Peace and Relationship……

Faith Like a Child

"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."—Luke 18:17 NASB Antonin Dvorák was a beloved composer. Born on this day in 1841, in what today is the Czech Republic, his most famous work was his New World Symphony, written during the three years he spent in the United States. Dvorák had a genial nature. As one musicologist notes, he was…

Rhonda Stoppe Helps Moms Raising Sons to Be Men

Rhonda Stoppe is a Christian author and speaker who is dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets, with over 30 years of experience as a pastor’s wife, mom coach, marriage mentor, homeschool keynote, mother of four — and grandmother of 15. She has a website (www.noregretswoman.com) and a podcast titled, “Old Ladies Know Stuff.” Her recent book is the 10th Anniversary edition of Moms…

My Lessons from Heaven: Death Is Not the End

Welcome to episode four of Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Dr. Mary Neal, the author of two New York Times best-selling books about my near-drowning on a South American river. In previous episodes, I’ve shared insights about forgiveness and grace, and offered assurance that love always wins. In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about the fact that death is not the end. Watch My Lessons from Heaven…

Manage Stress So It Doesn’t Manage You

Today it seems as if everyone is under stress. It’s become a normal part of our everyday lives. As long as we keep that stress at a reasonable limit, there's no problem. But when we allow it to exceed that limit, trouble begins. For example, a chair is built to sit on. It’s designed and constructed to bear a certain amount of weight. If used properly, it should last a very long time. But if…

Mildred: A Life Transformed

Mildred was raised in a very traditional church that never shared how someone can have a life-changing relationship with Christ. As she grew into adulthood, she began to sense that there must be more to knowing God than simply attending church. She had always been fascinated by different religions and wanted to know which one was the true way to salvation and Heaven. Although she left open the…

5 Cleaning Tips to Spruce Up Your Relationship

We know when the seasons change it's time to give our homes a good cleaning. But what about marriage? Relationships change. Every marriage has seasons as well. Wouldn’t it be a good time to spruce them up a little? Dust Do you have dreams that have gone unnoticed and dormant on the shelf of your life. Have you squelched the dream of your spouse? Dust those dreams off and bring them to life.…