Shaken When Your Parents Divorce

CVB: The name of the book is Shaken: What's Next When Your Parents are Splitting Up? Tell me what gave you to the idea for this book? Debra Burns: Teenagers I’ve met over the years have said they don’t want to marry at all because they don’t want to risk getting divorced. After 27 years of student ministry, I’ve had a burden to help students cope with crises in their lives. When a family…

Let God Be God

Excerpt from Simple Steps to Handling Stress by Inspiration Ministries. We all wish the battle against our worry and anxiety was an easy one to win. But in truth, so often our minds are like a vise of fear and control. And the ongoing problem that hinders us is when we tighten the screws of that vise around our life and circumstances. It’s so important to understand this concept right now…


"If you need wisdom, ask … God … be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind."—James 1:5–6 NLT Many of Claude Monet’s paintings focus on serene scenes, tranquil gardens, and wispy clouds. But Monet had different thoughts when visiting the English Channel in northwest France.…

Hanging on to Joy When Life Gets Hard

Over the past years, my wife, Barbara, and I have faced profound losses that reshaped our lives. We both lost our mothers. Then contracting Covid last summer further disrupted everything, as we battled the virus and its lingering effects. Even now, a year later, I find myself grappling with the daily limitations of Long Covid, a constant reminder of life’s unpredictability. Now, with the…

Spiritual Detox: ‘Warning’

Well, here we are at Day 4 of our Spiritual Detoxing boot camp. How are you doing? How are you holding up? With all the reading, recognizing, and repenting, I think it’s time to sound the warning call! Hello everyone and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk … I’m Kim Crabill delighted to have you joining me as we detox together. Watch Spiritual Detox with Kim Crabill With physical detoxing,…

A Woman Set Free

One Sabbath day, Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, and the Bible says, “A woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years” (Luke 13:10-13 NIV). Can you imagine how hopeless this woman must have felt? For 18 long years, she had endured this debilitating condition. Perhaps you are struggling with some issue in your life today that has persisted for a long time. You feel…

Perfect Peace in Stormy Times

If you’re anchored to God’s Word, you’ll never go adrift amid the wind and waves of life. In a world facing uncertain times, God’s people need His peace more than ever. Our prayer ministers at Inspiration Ministries pray every day with people who are experiencing serious health problems, financial pressures, family conflicts, and other stressful situations. However, I’m convinced that it’s…

When You Run Out of Wine

What does it look like to believe God’s promises, follow His instructions and see His supernatural power on display? A good illustration is found in John 2:1-11, where Jesus turned water into wine during a wedding feast in Cana. This story contains some powerful principles for experiencing a happy and joy-filled life. At the wedding venue were some stone water pots used by the Jews for…

What Can You Do to Feel Healthier?

We live in a world that is never short on suggestions for how to practice better self care. Drink more water, get more exercise, meditate, take supplements, pursue your dreams, or get more sleep. While there is wisdom to be gained from practical ways to take care of our bodies and minds, we need to dig deeper into soul care and ways that we can pursue God’s best for us as we seek to feel…

The Baby You Thought Would Never Come

In 2 Kings 4, the Bible introduces us to a Shunammite woman who was unable to have children. She was married to a wealthy man and used her money to build a room above their house for the prophet Elisha. Despite her prosperity, this woman also had a need. She was childless, and her husband was an old man. At this point, it would take a miracle for them to bear children. However, Elisha told…