
New Year, New Priorities

Louie GiglioBy Louie Giglio3 Minutes

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3

AT THE START of a new year, many of us engage in self-reflection and set fresh goals for the days and months ahead. Which habits will you adopt, and which ones do you want to kick?

As you’re dreaming about your future, the God over all creation offers you this choice: if you choose to prioritize His kingdom and His righteousness, everything else you need this year will be added to you.

God is always working on a cosmic scale, holding the universe together—but He is also intentionally focusing on how to give you specifically what you need yet, but He does, and He is working to provide for your life.

When you put God first in your plans, everything else falls into place. You gain perspective of what really matters—making disciples, living for His glory, and using your talents to honor His kingdom. You learn to let go of fleeting whims and desires. As you start this year, start with God. Prayerfully consider His ways and decide today that no matter what else comes, you’re going to depend on Him.


Lord, in the macro and the micro, I choose to put You first. Keep me close to You this year.


Healing Comes When We Lift Our Eyes

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
Psalm 68:5

IT CAN BE hard to join God’s song when you’re hurting inside. When you are suffering, you are likely looking for comfort and care before you are looking for a song. But the invitation to lean into God’s care begins with worship. This is the primary way you are reminded that He alone is worthy and able to step into your story.

God is singing over you, and sometimes all you can do is breathe in His words of love, and that is enough. If you’re feeling pain or heartache, turn toward Him, and rest knowing that He’s caught you and is holding you close. Perhaps today you need to simply linger in that posture for a while—in the healing and loving song of a good Father.

At some point within your healing journey, you’ll sense the invitation to sing praise back to God and join in His song. Your eyes will be lifted off yourself as you gaze lovingly at your flawless Father, who isn’t afraid of a dark night or a hard circumstance. There, you’ll sense His nearness and compassion flowing over you.


God, You aren’t just working on my behalf, You are defending me from darkness with Your songs. I rest here, in Your arms, today.

Excerpted from Grace & Glory by Louie Giglio. © 2024 Louie Giglio. Used by permission of Thomas