Cup of Christmas: A Little Encouragement

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill4 Minutes

Hello friend, and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Kim Crabill. Please grab your coffee or tea, and let’s sit for just a minute. Join me for today’s Cup of Christmas.

Watch Cup of Christmas with Kim Crabill

It’s our special time to stop, be still, and prepare ourselves for what God has for each of us today. So friend, let me ask you, how are you doing? How are you handling this busy season? Do you feel overwhelmed and underpaid?

Is it like the more you do, the longer your list? We probably all know that feeling. And we also know there’s no time like Christmas for rolling up your sleeves and not only doing all that our routine chores are, but also doing all those special good deeds that we want to be a part of. You know what I’m talking about. Let’s see, maybe the special season of visiting nursing homes or serving meals at the soup kitchen. Delivering gifts to children in need, and on and on and on.

Are you getting tired just thinking about all that you’ve been doing? Here’s the thing, we’re not the only ones who are so busy and burned out. It’s so common among us at Christmas. And burnout can become the catalyst to a downward spiral unless someone steps in to help. Today, perhaps, we could maybe just take a minute and look around at the people. I mean, really look at them. How are they doing? Do they all seem to be overloaded?

If you look, you’ll be able to see it. Fatigue, overload, and you can feel it. Frustration from all the stress. From your pastor to your neighbors to your spouse, it may seem like everyone around you is just exhausted. So, here’s what I’m wondering today. What could we possibly do? How can our good deeds help others as they are accomplishing theirs? How can you and I encourage those around us as they are working so hard and giving so much as well?

In 2 Thessalonians 3:13, we’re encouraged to never tire in doing what is good. As believers, our words can encourage one another. And our small acts or simple words can go a long way toward replacing fatigue with joy. Remember because of the gift of Christmas, we are not saved by good works but we are saved to do good works. Let’s catch someone doing good today and call them out.

Let them know someone sees and appreciates what they’re doing. What a very special gift to give someone today. Don’t you think? Let’s pray.

Dear Father, give me a good idea today for how to encourage one or two of Your weary servants. I know You can multiply even the smallest gestures into something deeply restorative and strengthening.

Thank you for joining me. I pray our time will Strengthen Your Walk during this very busy Christmas season.

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