A Breath Prayer for Christmas

Mary offered a little prayer of faith to receive the birth of Christ and the world has never been the same! It’s like a breath of heaven for Christmas! It’s a powerful prayer of submission or abandoning outcomes to God.

These days in the Christmas season can be hectic. Many people find their calendars too full of holiday activities and they are hurried and stressed. For some, there are family conflicts or financial problems to deal with.

Others are lonely. These things — whether happy or unhappy — may distract us from appreciating the Christ of Christmas.

All of us, whether we realize it or not, long to participate in a close friendship and dynamic partnership with Jesus, whose birth we celebrate.

Mary’s prayer that birthed the first Christmas can birth Christmas in your heart:

Let it be to me… According to your Word (Luke 1:38, NKJV).

You might find it helpful to meditate on these words of Scripture by breathing them in and out this way:

Breathe in to appreciate the life of Christ flowing into you: “Let it be to me…”

Breathe out to submit to God: “According to your Word.”

Smile! The Holy Spirit is helping you to breathe the heavens into your soul!

After you spend a little time meditating on the Breath Prayer from the Bible try focusing your prayer on a particular stress or opportunity in your life that needs to be submitted to God. To do this simply pray:

Lord as I __________, let it be to me… According to your Word.

Then see if you can remember to repeat this prayer with a breath now and again as you do what you’re doing throughout the day. In this way, you can devote to the Lord each activity and each interaction with another person.

Try this for a day or a few days. You’ll be amazed at how you begin to experience more of the flow of God’s love, joy, and peace into your life and through you to those around you.

Mary’s little prayer of the heart can facilitate the miracle of Christmas for you today!

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