Breaking the Stronghold of Food with Michael Brown, Part 8

Dr. Michael BrownBy Dr. Michael Brown1 Minutes

Let’s talk about an ugly, destructive stronghold lurking in many of our lives – maybe one you’re trapped in yourself. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? The stronghold of food holds many of us captive.

The reasons (or excuses, rather) are diverse – busyness, gluttony, indulgence, carelessness – but the results are the same. Unhealthy eating patterns are tied to more than 60 chronic, deadly disorders, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer.
God designed food to be both necessary and pleasurable. But when our eating habits grow into mindless, compulsive, or gluttonous patterns, food becomes a tool of the enemy that robs us of life and enjoyment! Here’s some good news though: you can escape the stronghold of food and regain control of your eating – and find guiltless pleasure in food!
Join Dr. Michael Brown in this new Strengthen Your Walk series and learn how to break free from your unhealthy eating patterns. Take back control of your health and your future. Remember, with God, all things are possible – even dethroning chocolate, pizza, and soda!


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