Sharing God in a Golf Cart

Cecil TaylorBy Cecil Taylor4 Minutes

My boss Dave and I were in a foursome at our high-tech company’s golf outing. He and I shared a cart. While the other pair took their cart to the other side of the fairway to find a lost ball, we had a couple of minutes alone.

Suddenly, Dave turned to me and asked, “You know those signs at sporting events, such as behind the goalposts in football, that say John 3:16? What does that mean?”

I caught my breath. I’m not one for proselytizing at work, yet my colleagues knew I was a devoted Christian from my stories of volunteering with church youth. But never had I been presented such a direct opportunity to share the Gospel at work — and with my boss!

I answered his question by quoting the verse: “God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” He asked what it meant, and I gave a brief explanation. By that time, our playing partners had caught up to us, and we went on with our round.

Dave never asked further. Neither did I ask him if he needed more information. I figured that if he needed anything, he knew he could come to me.

Two years later, by that time no longer my manager, Dave suddenly disappeared from work. It was Stage 4 melanoma. Within weeks, Dave had passed away.

At his funeral, I was heartened when the priest said that Dave had returned to his Catholic roots in the last couple of years. The priest said Dave had the assurance of salvation as he renewed his faith in God and trusted God in his final days.

I don’t know how much our little conversation affected him or informed him. I’m just grateful that perhaps I served a small role in touching Dave’s spirit.

Jesus told us in The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19-20) to make disciples everywhere:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

When we think of evangelism, we think of big evangelism campaigns. We think of witnessing in the streets. We think of shepherding someone with deep one-on-one discussions. We think of the noble goals of missionaries. But there’s another, just-as-valid, just-as-needed way to practice evangelism, by remembering, “You may be the only Bible someone ever reads.” In case someone looks at the way you practice your faith seven days a week and decides, “I want whatever it is they have,” be prepared. You might be called upon to share your faith – even in a golf cart.