

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

What condition could be so horrible that it would cause God to want to “vomit” us out of His mouth? It is lukewarm Christianity! That is how strongly He reacts to people who are lukewarm.

Yet, many Christians seem satisfied with this condition. Many have more of a secondhand Christianity and are content with “good enough” faith and what they think is an adequate knowledge of the Bible. They do not hunger to fellowship more with God, grow in their relationship with Him, or crave deeper insights.

Sadly, many lukewarm Christians feel that God is pleased with them. But Jesus explained that God would rather that we were cold or hot than lukewarm. He does not want us to be content with a “good enough” faith.

Instead, God desires that we be “hot.” The Greek word here is the source of the English word “zest.” This means that God wants us to have a zest for His Word, to be enthusiastic about His Kingdom, and passionate about serving Him.

Today, allow God to search your heart to see if you have become lukewarm. Cry out to Him. Let Him know that you want a deeper relationship with Him, to be on fire for His Word, to love spending time with Him, and to be committed to serve Him.

He is ready to pour His blessings on you. Be sure that you are “hot,” filled with zest for Him!