September 20, 2023

Your Words

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Hold on to the example of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.”—2 Timothy 1:13 NASB

Paul knew words were important—specific words. Demonstrating this understanding, he warned Timothy about retaining “sound words.” The Greek word here is the source of the English word hygiene. Paul was showing that what we say can impact our relationships and attitudes and foster health or even illness.

Paul also said Timothy was to “hold on to” the standard of sound words. He used the Greek word echō. Paul knew we tend to be like echoes, mimicking what other people say and do. This is why we need to follow the example of mature believers, know the Bible, and apply biblical principles.

We can imagine Timothy might have thought he didn’t need this reminder. But Paul knew we never can assume that we know enough. As he told Timothy, we must recognize that we have been given a “treasure,” something life-changing and revolutionary. We must “protect” this treasure” (v. 14). But we cannot do this on our own; we need the Holy Spirit.

These are important principles, regardless of how long we have been believers. All of us can be impacted, particularly as we remember that the world around us is filled with evil influences.

Today, be careful whom you imitate. Line up your life with the principles in the Bible. Dedicate yourself to retaining “the example of sound words.” Speak the right words used by God.

Reflection Question: Whom are you imitating?

Father, I declare that Your promises are true for me. I commit my life to You! Help me be careful whom I imitate. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Timothy 1

Father, I declare that Your promises are true for me. I commit my life to You! Help me be careful whom I imitate. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Timothy 1