Your Calling and Purpose

Your Calling and Purpose

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Paul made it clear to Timothy that he had been saved, not because of his own efforts, but “according to the power of God.” And the reason for His actions was that He “called us…according to His own purpose and grace.” This is such an important perspective that it should be the key fact of our lives.

Paul was explaining that each of us has been summoned by God and has been given a specific name and vocation. There is a personal objective to our lives, which has been established by God Himself. These are objectives that give our lives purpose and meaning.

Applying these principles to Timothy, Paul underscored that this should change his attitude toward everything. He did not have to be afraid or worried about difficult situations in which he might find himself. There was no reason to be “ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me His prisoner.” He needed to embrace his calling, whatever it might be.

This is a perspective that all of us should remember every day. It is a statement that should give us peace when we are troubled, reassurance when we face doubts, and meaning when our lives are filled with questions.

Today, remember that God has a special calling just for you, a plan for your life. Surrender to Him. Trust Him. Serve Him.