Your Assignment

Your Assignment

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

In the wilderness, each Israelite was given an assignment. No one was left out. Every task was important. The future of the entire community depended upon each person doing the assigned job.

As they traveled, some had specific responsibilities for tearing down or setting up the tent. Some were assigned to carry specific items. All the while together they watched out for danger. Together, following God’s commandments, they found the food and water they needed.

The body of Christ operates in the same way. Each person is unique in God’s sight. Each of us is assigned individual tasks, called to fulfill specific functions, and given unique gifts and talents to accomplish these tasks.

We should be humbled and grateful! This helps us understand God’s plans and purposes. Each of us is special to Him! It also helps us answer the fundamental questions of life: Why do I exist? What is my purpose? How can I find meaning?

The answer to these questions is remarkably simple: to know God and to bring Him glory. Serve Him. Submit your life to Him. Follow His plan. Seek His will and direction. Trust Him to give your life fulfillment.

Learn what tasks You have been assigned. Discover and apply the unique gifts God has given you. Spend your life focused on fulfilling your personal calling. As you are faithful, celebrate the fact that He loves you and knows you by name.