Whose Altar? Whose Rules?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

King Ahaz of Judah was interested in religion. But instead of being concerned about God and His Word, he became fascinated with an altar he had seen in Damascus.

He had a sketch made of this altar with “detailed plans.” He sent these to Urijah the priest, with instructions to build an altar just like it. Then he rearranged the furnishings in the temple in Jerusalem, placing the new altar in a prominent place.

To Ahaz, it didn’t matter that God had provided specific directions for His altar and every element of worship. He even had warned about being seduced by the patterns and idols of surrounding nations.

Instead, Ahaz developed his own form of worship. He issued new orders detailing the way he wanted offerings to be conducted. How did God’s priest respond? Urijah ignored God’s Word, and “did just as King Ahaz had ordered.”

It can be easy to criticize Ahaz, but the fact is that many people, including many Christians, are tempted to create their forms of worship. They interpret the Bible to fit their own interests and ignore anything they don’t like.

The Bible makes clear that we are not to build our lives around the subjective ideas of any human beings, with our flaws and limits. Instead, we are to start with God and His Word. Instead of living according to our own ideas, we are to take up our cross daily, die to self, and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23).

Today, dedicate your life anew to God. Seek His wisdom. Stay faithful to His timeless principles. And don’t give in to compromise.