April 6, 2024

Whom Do You Trust In?

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“I trust in the LORD for protection […] the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth […] For the righteous LORD loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.”—Psalm 11:1, 4, 7 NLT

According to a recent survey, people have become less trusting. And they are trusting each other to tell the truth less than they did in the recent past. Levels of trust have declined for almost every profession. Similarly, product guarantees mean less.

This pattern should not surprise most observers. In fact, polls like this confirm observations we all share. Trends may change from year to year. At times, levels of trust might increase. But circumstances cause people to be disappointed in others. Promises often are made and not kept. We wonder who we can trust and on whom we can depend.

Christians should know the answer. The Bible clearly warns us against placing our trust in the circumstances of life or other people. Summarizing the biblical perspective, David wrote that he trusted in the Lord for protection. He realized that God “watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth.” He rules over Heaven and Earth. David knew that he could trust in God in every situation. He keeps all His promises.

Today, realize that other people may disappoint you. They may fail and fall short of your expectations. The Bible reminds us that no one is perfect. All of us are flawed and make mistakes. This is why we need to depend on God and place our trust in Him.

Remember, you can stand on His Word. And you can trust Him.

Reflection Question: Have you been tempted to trust in anything other than God and His Word?

Father, forgive me for placing my trust in other people or circumstances. I trust in You. Thank You that You are dependable. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Psalm 11

Father, forgive me for placing my trust in other people or circumstances. I trust in You. Thank You that You are dependable. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Psalm 11