What Happens Next?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Imagine the emotions! God had delivered the Israelites from bondage and defeated the mighty Egyptian army. They celebrated, joyfully declaring their confidence in God. They sang about His miraculous deliverance. They rejoiced that He was with them, even when they had doubts. They were sure He would bring them to the Promised Land.

We might think that God would be so pleased with their celebration that He would pour out His blessings on them. However, to the contrary, they were entering a time of almost continual testing.

The first test took place just days after this celebration, when they could find no water. When they finally found water, it was so bitter that no one could drink it! Suddenly, they were no longer celebrating or confident in God. Instead, they complained.

In the coming days, they would face many additional tests. Through this testing, God would see their lack of character and spiritual maturity. It would become obvious how little they really trusted Him.

The Israelites were learning that God searches our hearts. He tests our minds and evaluates us based on what we do (Jeremiah 17:10). Our ways may seem right to us, but the LORD weighs our hearts (Proverbs 21:2).

We can expect tests like this, revealing our commitment, character, and priorities. But although such tests expose our weaknesses, they also prepare us to receive God’s blessings.

Ask God to help you be ready for your tests. You can become prepared by filling your life with His Word and putting it into practice. As you learn to live by faith in every kind of situation, remember that “without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Demonstrate your character each day through your faithfulness and obedience.