Victory Over Bitterness

Victory Over Bitterness

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Peace can be described as a life without disquieting thoughts or emotions. It is a condition of the heart that reminds us of a machine with an abundance of lubrication. All the moving parts function smoothly with little wear and tear. However, the absence of peace leads to turmoil, just like the absence of lubrication leads to friction and, ultimately, destruction.

If we are at peace with our friends, family, and neighbors, we operate at maximum efficiency and can be more fulfilled and happy. Without peace, our minds and hearts can become focused on the wrong things.

In particular, the Bible warns that a “root of bitterness” can form that can “defile” us. Corrupted by this bitterness, we can find ourselves developing unhealthy attitudes such as feeling taken for granted, resentful, and unappreciated.

One way to have victory over bitterness is to live a holy life. In fact, “no one will see the Lord” without holiness. This is a lifestyle in which we seek to please God by being filled with His Spirit and guided by His Word. We should be constantly surrendered to the lordship of Jesus.

This also means pursuing “peace with all people, and holiness.” Without this peace, a “root of bitterness” may spring up within us. This root is guaranteed to “cause trouble.” And because of such roots, “many become defiled.”

In your life, seek to live in peace and be on guard against any bitterness.