Uplifting Thoughts

Uplifting Thoughts

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The heart of the psalmist was overflowing. He could not contain himself and was bursting to share the words that resonated in his heart. What was so overflowing? A theme that particularly was good, uplifting, and encouraging. The King needed to hear this word, but so did everyone else.

Why is this important? Just consider the messages spread in our time. The news can be depressing. So many developments are negative. Economic trends can be discouraging. Sharp divisions throughout society with groups constantly attacking others occur.

In this kind of environment, being reminded of Biblical truths is refreshing. We need to be reminded about the promises in God’s Word. The Gospel literally means “Good News.” Remember that God still is sovereign, He loves us, and we can trust Him. We can commit our needs to Him because He is ready to meet them and give us His peace.

Writing this psalm, the psalmist felt an urgency to share this word and be encouraging. His tongue was the “pen of a ready writer.” He was prepared and trained. He was sensitive to God’s leading.

As God burdens you, be ready to share the messages He gives you. Always seek to know His Word and be ready to remind others of His truth. Be sensitive to His Spirit, prepared and ready to be His messenger. Be ready to share the Good News.