May 6, 2023

Treasure in Clay Jars

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”—2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV

For Ludwig van Beethoven, conditions were difficult. His city of Vienna, Austria, had been invaded by French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte. Describing conditions, Beethoven wrote, “What a destructive, disorderly life I see and hear around me, nothing but drums, cannons, and human misery in every form.”

Beethoven also had reason to be discouraged about his health. He was nearly deaf and losing his hearing. Yet in 1809, amid this turmoil and despair, Beethoven was able to compose his fifth piano concerto. One writer called his masterpiece “the summit of all concerto music ever written.” Now often known as the Emperor, this triumph continues to stir audiences worldwide.

How easily each of us can become discouraged by the conditions we face. But the Bible describes how God can work through any situation. He can use circumstances to transform our lives and even produce masterpieces.

We might feel pressed by troubles or perplexed (vs. 7–10). But, as Paul learned, these are conditions in which we should turn to God. He can shape us, refine us, teach us, and do amazing things through us. As we go through life’s challenges, we may realize we simply are “jars of clay,” but God can give us a “treasure.”

In every situation, you can be confident that God is with you. Submit your life to Him. Let Him use circumstances to refine you. He can do amazing things through you.

Reflection Question: How do your daily habits point people to Jesus?

Father, thank You that You are with me. I surrender my life to You. May my life point other people to Jesus. In His name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 4

Father, thank You that You are with me. I surrender my life to You. May my life point other people to Jesus. In His name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 4