April 20, 2024

God’s Favor

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground, and said to him, ‘Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?’”—Ruth 2:10 NASB

Ruth had married a son of Naomi, an Israelite. But when Naomi’s husband and son died, Ruth moved with her to Israel where their situation seemed hopeless. They were widows with no income. Most seriously, Ruth was from Moab, Israel’s historic enemy.

Looking for life’s necessities, Ruth found herself gleaning in fields owned by Boaz, a man about whom she knew nothing. But because of her attitude, she found favor with Boaz and eventually became his wife. Her poverty was replaced by abundance—all because she received favor.

The Bible reminds us that favor comes from God. And His favor can change any situation!

Favor cannot be earned. However, this favor can be encouraged as our lives please God. The Bible tells us not to “let kindness and truth” leave us. We are to “bind them around your neck” and “write them on the tablet of your heart.” If we live this way, the Bible promises that we “will find favor” (Proverbs 3:3–4).

Ruth received favor even though she was not an Israelite. But she had pleased God and demonstrated godly principles.

Today, ask God to grant you His favor in every area of life—business, family, personal life, finances, and health. Seek to please Him and have the right attitude in everything you do. Have faith that He can open doors and change any situation you face.

Reflection Question: Script a prayer asking for God’s special favor this coming week.

Father, I desire to please You. I seek Your favor. Thank You that Your mercy is new every morning. I depend on You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ruth 2

Father, I desire to please You. I seek Your favor. Thank You that Your mercy is new every morning. I depend on You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ruth 2